Brazilian Valentine's Day

                Pastors Marcos, Ericléia, and I are all taking seminary classes online through the Brazilian seminary (STNB). It’s a great program because you just take one class per month, except that means we have finals week every month. This month, finals landed on Brazilian Valentine’s Day, which is June 12th. Obviously, it’s not actually Valentine’s Day, because I think Valentine’s Day has to do with St. Valentine and the Catholic calendar, but June 12th is Dia dos Namorados, roughly translated Couples’ Day or Brazilian Valentine’s Day. We wanted to do a couples’ event at the church the day before, but with all of us needing to study, we wanted to do something simple. And then our leaders stepped up in ways they never have before. Something’s been happening in them, and me, over the past few weeks. It’s been so encouraging to see them respond to God and each other in new ways. We handed over a lot of the decorating and menu planning to the church leaders, and it was quite the week. (scroll down)

Vilma and Aline cutting out hearts

Isabela and Bianca hanging hearts
while Altair and Marcos wrestle
fabric in the background

Nicinha making us a snack while we cut hearts

Nicinha and Ericléia preparing the pulpit

We spent Tuesday afternoon making decorations, talking, and hanging out. We listened to music, talked about plants, and tried a new Instagram recipe. It was fun, but also surprisingly difficult. I hadn’t worked this closely together with these people before and I found myself getting anxious. I tend to feel hyper responsible for people around me. In a group of church people I don’t want anyone to feel hurt or offended as we discuss ideas, possibilities, criticisms, politics, or just life. And I worry that someone is going to hurt or offend. I’ve been working on this in myself for a long time; learning that I am responsible for how I speak and react but not for stopping others from speaking or acting before they do so. Even though I’m the pastor in the room, I can’t control how everyone will speak or feel, just how I will love, listen, and respond to them. That first afternoon together was a little rough, learning knew personalities and dealing with my own reality. And then it got better. We all worked through some tensions, listened more, and decided together what needed to get done the rest of the week. We met again Saturday to get everything set up. The event itself was beautiful. We had some guests visit and a couple that hasn’t attended for very long. During the event, I was upstairs helping with the kids and getting pictures printed and in frames for the couples to take away as gifts. Even with the kids, we could hear the couples downstairs laughing and praying together.

Even when it’s frustrating, being involved in your church is so important. Being with your church family, hearing their stories, building memories together. You may not be best friends right away. You may learn things about them you don’t really like. You may learn things about yourself you don’t really like. That’s all okay. Keep going. Your church people don’t have to be perfect just because they’re in church. Decide that you are going to let God grow you through the experience. Be present to love and encourage and laugh with people. We talk about whether or not we need the church. I can give you all sorts of reasons why I need the church, but as members of a body, the church needs you too. Every member needs the whole and the whole needs every member. The church needs your quirks, your journey, and your voice. May God continue to transform all of us as we learn to love each other.

                Also, yes we all got our final papers turned in and did well on our exams. 

The support team: Bianca, Aline, Daniel, Rafael,
me, and Isabela

I volunteered to take pictures of 
all the preparations and this was
the only picture I took of myself


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