Why I'm Doing This

Those of you who were around Lewiston First Church in 1997 may remember an assortment of photographs that were scattered through the upstairs classrooms. Photographs taped to colored printer paper taped to the wall. They didn't need titles because everyone knew they were pictures of Malagasy street children. Looking at those pictures is my earliest memory of considering mission work.

At the beginning of my freshman year of high school, I was considering schedules, course options, career options, my future, when I got a picture in my mind of myself teaching Malagasy children in a classroom. My heart felt on fire. That was exactly what I wanted to do. That was what God wanted me to do.

I spent the rest of high school scaring my parents with aspirations of living in Africa. God used this time to make me His own. The biggest struggle was coming to terms with eventually living far away from my family. I counted the costs, and God equipped me with the faith to know His will is worth anything. My theme song was "I Surrender All."

The greatest surrender came my junior year of college. I was majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Christian Missions. My final missions course before student teaching took over my life was Cross-Cultural Communication of the Gospel. One week we had a panel of speakers who work with various cultures in the Treasure Valley. While some guys who worked with at-risk teens in Nampa were speaking, God clearly spoke to me. He said, "I want you to stay here." In an instant my dreams of mission work ended. My desperate prayer was, "Please, I know I can do this." (Yes, this was all pride, but it was also all responsibility. I had to see this through) His ever-loving response was, "It's not about what you can't do. It's about what you're called to do." I cried all the way to my dorm room and called my parents to tell them I wasn't going to be a missionary.

For four years I taught fourth grade at schools whose students grew into those same at-risk teens who the speakers were trying to keep out of gangs. I loved my job. It was a constant challenge, but God faithfully provided the strength and courage I needed to do it well. I was no longer drawn to hear missionary speakers or follow mission news. God had called me to teach, and it was my sole passion.

Which is why I almost skipped small group in May when a man from Extreme Nazarene was scheduled to speak. I didn't skip (again with the responsibility). He wasn't there to recruit, just to explain what Extreme Nazarene does. During his explanation he said the phrase "singles in their twenties" at least ten times. Each time, my heart caught fire again, and God whispered, "That's you." "This is for you." "I want you to do this." My disbelief melted into elation. I cried all the way to my house and told my roommates I am going to be a missionary.

This has nothing to do with what I can and can't do. This has everything to do with what God has called me to do. That being said, ever since I saw those photographs, I have believed that the most important thing I can do with my life is tell people about who Jesus is and what He offers us in countries where the gospel is not understood. I love Idaho, I love teaching, and I love my family, but I am overjoyed that God is allowing me to do mission work.


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